Sunday, 24 June 2012

Simple Pictures (5)

Hi everyone! It's been a while that I haven't been on my blog. I just had no time with revisions, exams, etc... But a really nice girl I met not long ago, lent me her Sony Alpha 230, so here are the photos I took with them:

I noticed that this camera is very good for taking portraits and close-up pictures. I still think that the Canon EOS's are slightly better in image quality, especially in low light.
You can compare yourself, a few weeks ago I tried the canon eos 600d:  Simple Pictures (4)
and I think the pictures are slightly better.
Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer and I'll try to post more pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Very very pretty pictures :D alala le monde du reflex ;)


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