Saturday, 16 February 2013

Cake and sun, everything fun!

Hello again!
Long time no see - or should I say - long time no write!

As everyone knows (well, normally), Thursday was st Valentin's day. Well, I have no boyfriend so I didn't have a date or anything, but since it was also the birthday of my mother's partner, she made a delicious German schwarzwälder kirschtorte (black forest cake) in a shape of a heart ;)

It was delicious!!! I just had to take a picture to show it to everyone cause it's so cute.
We went to a lovely pizzeria for dinner and had this cake for desert. We thought we'd never eat it all but we did! It's actually not such a heavy cake.
How was your St Valentin's day?

Anyway, today it's finally sunny! This reminds me the posts I used to publish last spring when I was sick and tired of the cold. Well, at least it wasn't that cold this winter, it was just very wet (floods everywhere and fields turning into mini lakes).


So I went outside this morning and was enjoying the sun (and also trying to get my cat to come outside), when I thought of trying out jumping on my ripped-up-by-weather trampoline with my camera to get funky photos. Well that didn't work out that well!



Haha strange pictures indeed :D
When I went back into the house, Kitty was still there because madame is too posh to go outside in the sun!

So that was my little sunny morning!
I also found a little toy for Kitty that use to belong to her mama, so I gave it to her but she's not too impressed by it yet :)

Thought I'd share a little picture:

Anyway, I must go now but I hope everyone has a nice day and a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Super photos J !! Alalala vive le soleil :)))
    Ps: la derniere photo de Kitty est vraiment trop choupinouuuuu !


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