Hello everyone!
A week ago I decided to stop eating sweets and chocolate during weeks and only having some on Sundays.
I'm happy to say that I managed this week without any sweets crossing my mouth!!
Anyway, since my sweets box was just an old shoe box, I decided to decorate it a bit.
So here are the photos. I decorated it in the bathroom where it was waaaarrmmm :) which can explain the orange tiles and the shower.
The quality of the pictures isn't great because it was quite dark that day and I was in a bit of a hurry.
So that's my new little sweets box where I keep the sugary stuff that I get as presents. I now added a huge toblerone bar that stops the box from closing and I can't wait for tomorrow to eat some!!!
Have a nice day and hope to see you soon again!
Trop choupiiii !!