Thursday, 31 January 2013

A quick animation

Hello everyone!
I was sitting outside today since it's the first time it's been sunny here for weeks! and I was taking photos (of course ;P), when my cat (Kitty) went through a hole in the wall that I've never noticed before. It used to be hidden by plants, but now since we're winter ( well spring), I can see my cat using it to go into the barn.
So I took a few shots and thought that it would make a great animated picture. I haven't done any in ages! I used my new photoshop cs6, which actually made it much more complicated to make a gif file than my old photoshop 7 was.
So I hope it works! Well it seems too :)


Hope you like it!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

DIM (did it myself): Sunday Sweets Box

Hello everyone!
A week ago I decided to stop eating sweets and chocolate during weeks and only having some on Sundays.
I'm happy to say that I managed this week without any sweets crossing my mouth!!
Anyway, since my sweets box was just an old shoe box, I decided to decorate it a bit.
So here are the photos. I decorated it in the bathroom where it was waaaarrmmm :) which can explain the orange tiles and the shower.
The quality of the pictures isn't great because it was quite dark that day and I was in a bit of a hurry.

So that's my new little sweets box where I keep the sugary stuff that I get as presents. I now added a huge toblerone bar that stops the box from closing and I can't wait for tomorrow to eat some!!!
Have a nice day and hope to see you soon again!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Photoshop Quick Tip: getting rid of unwanted object(s)

Hello everyone!
Today I took a picture of my cat threw my window when she was begging for food again :)
Strangely, she stared at the camera for a few seconds which gave me time to take her picture. It's great cause she's a cat that moves a lot.
So I loaded it up to my computer only to remember that there was the thermometer in the way. Having received the new photoshop cs6 only a week or two ago, I'm still learning all the new buttons and options that didn't exist on photoshop 7.
I wanted to share with the new photoshoppers out there, a method to get rid of something unwanted in the background of a picture: here it being a thermometer.
So here is Kitty, my little chubby cat:
So let's start!
1. Open your picture in Photoshop :)
2. Select the Marquee tool or the Lasso tool (on the left tools bar)
3. select the object
4. Select edit > fill
5. Now you can select the "contents" you want in the drop down box thingy but I just select "Content-aware"
Opacity: 100%
And voila!
Here is my photo of Kitty after these steps in Photoshop:

So that was my Photoshop Quick Tip of the day! Keep in mind that this is the way I do it and that it's in no way the only way to do it.
Thank you for reading and I wish everyone a great day!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Cats again?

Hello everyone!
I'm writing this post quite quickly before I spend a week at a place where internet doesn't like to arrive.
You must be wondering...cats again? Well yes. I love photography but my family doesn't like being taken in photo so all I have left is my cat.
Say hello to Ali Baba!

Have a great day!
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