First of all, I'd like to say a little hurray cause I've reached 100 comments on my blog! yay!
For most bloggers this must be a small number, but for me it's a lot.
I visited a lot of blogs and websites these last few days, so I've decided to sometimes do a "discovery" post, where I make a small list of the new blogs I've discovered and liked.
(p.s. nothing is sponsored, it's all my opinion)
Tout d'abord, je voudrais dire un grand youpi pour avoir atteint 100 commentaires sur mon blog! yay!
Pour la plupart des bloggers ce chiffre est insignifiant, mais pour moi c'est de la joie.
J'ai visité beaucoup de blogs et de sites ces derniers jours et j'ai donc décidé de parfois écrire un article sur les "découvertes" que j'ai faites, où je parlerai des blogs que j'ai vraiment apprécié.
(p.s. je ne suis pas payée pour ces listes, tout est mon opinion personnel)
- Amy-Rose King Photography is a blog owned by a wedding photographer who makes beautiful pictures: sharp, colourful and dreamy. I normally prefer reading and looking at photography blogs created by beginners, or just those who enjoy this hobby. But Amy-Rose's pictures are so perfect that I just wanted to share this with everyone.
-The Saccone Jolys is a couple from Ireland =D who do daily vlogs of their funny lives. She does makeup/beauty videos and he does his own videos but I don't remember what they were about. Anyway, their vlogs are very funny, filled with dogs, puppies, shopping and a baby on the way!
-Freckled Italian is a blog owned by a young woman called Megan. I enjoy her fresh, fun blog and she just had an ad space giveaway (oh well, I lost!) but I find these type of giveaways great!
So those were my little discoveries of these last two weeks, and I hope you'll like these just as much as I do!
Have a great weekend!